A pronoun is a word that is used as substitutes for nouns or noun phrases and which once replaced, is known as the pronoun’s antecedent. See Noun and it’s kinds.

Kinds Of Pronoun

There are seven kinds of Pronoun which are given below.

  • personal pronoun
  • Objective pronoun
  • possessive pronoun
  • Reflexive pronoun
  • Demonstrative pronoun
  • Interrogative pronoun
  • Indefinite pronoun

Pronoun / Subjective Pronoun( I, We, You )

Personal / Subjective Pronoun

The words I, you, he, she, it, we and they are called Personal pronouns or Subjective Pronoun. They take the place of nouns and are used as the subject of the verb in a sentence.

• My name is Ali. I am the youngest in the family.
• This is my father. He is a teacher
• This is my mother, She is a lawyer.
• They are Peter, Sharon and Jenny.
• I have a dog. It is called Luck.
• My family and I live in a small city. We have an apartment.
• Luck, you are a good dog.

The words you, me, it, her, us, him, and them are also personal or Subjective pronouns. They also replace with nouns.These pronouns are used as the object of the verb in a sentence.

• I am here. Look at me.
• My Sister is kind. Everybody likes her.
• Ali, I told you to tidy your bed!
• Ali and Alina! Dad is waiting for you!
• Ali and I are playing in the garden. Mother is watching us.
• You must not play with the cutter. Give it to me.
• Pick up your toys and put them away.

Objective Pronoun( Me, You, Us )

Objective Pronoun

The object of a verb receives the action of the verb. The personal pronouns me, you, it, her, us, him and them can all be used as the object of a verb. One example is given below:

• Alina likes cats. She likes to stroke them.

In the first sentence, the noun cats are the object of the verb likes. In the second one, the pronoun them is the object of the verb stroke.

• Alina is doing homework. Mother is helping her.
• Goodbye, Ali! I will call you later.
• Where is Ali? Alina needs to speak to him.
• Sir Ali is very nice. All the students like him.
• Alex’s car is very dirty. He is cleaning it.
• Uncle Tom called Alina to ask her about the school event.
• My Candies are all gone. Someone has eaten them.

Possessive Pronoun( Mine, Ours, Yours )

Possessive pronouns are used to talk about things that belong to people. The words hers, mine, his, ours, yours and theirs are possessive pronouns.

  1. This book is mine.
  2. Have you lost yours, Cat?
  3. This pen is mine and that one is his.
  4. Alina has lost her cat. Is this cat hers?
  5. I can see my car, but where is yours?
  6. We’ve had our lunch, but they haven’t had theirs

This Table will help you remember which possessive pronoun to use with which personal pronoun.

Singular Personal pronoun

Singular personal pronoun Possessive pronoun
I, me mine
you yours
he, him his
she, her hers

Plural Personal pronoun

Plural personal pronoun Possessive pronoun
we, us ours
you yours
they, them theirs
Reflexive Pronoun / Intensive Pronoun( Myself, Ourself )

Reflexive / Intensive Pronoun

The words myself, herself, himself, yourself, itself, yourselves, ourselves, and themselves are called Intensive or Reflexive pronouns.

  1. I made this cake myself.
  2. Be careful with the knife. You’ll cut yourself.
  3. Ali is looking at himself in the mirror.
  4. Ali has hurt herself.
  • Our dog washes itself after each meal.
  • We organised all the event by ourselves.
  • Come in, guys, and find yourselves a seat.
  • A baby of cat is too young to look after themselves.
Demonstrative Pronoun( This, That, These )

Demonstrative Pronoun

The words that, those, this and these are called Demonstrative pronouns.

  1. This is my house.
  2. Hi, Ali! This is my friend Umer!
  3. These are donkeys.
  4. That is a mountain.
  5. Those are horses
Interrogative Pronoun / Relative Pronoun( What, whom, Who )

Interrogative / Relative Pronoun

The words who, whose, which, whom and what are called interrogative pronouns.

    • Who are those guys?
    • Who is she talking to?


    • To Whom are you going to invite today?
    • Whom is he talking to?


    • Which of these Violet is yours?
    • Which do you prefer?


    • Whose is this umbrella?
    • Whose are these chocolate?


  • What is your cat’s name?
  • What are you talking about?
  • What is the time?
Indefinite Pronoun( All, Many, Each )

Indefinite Pronoun

This pronoun does not refer directly to any other word. Most of them express the idea of quantity.

  • Everybody is welcome at the Party.
  • Many prefer their coffee with sugar.
  • Does anybody care for a cheeseburger?
  • Few choose to live in the desert.


Indefinite Pronouns

all each most other
another either neither several
any everybody nobody some
anybody everyone none somebody
anyone few no one someone
both many one such